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Related Organizations
Railroad Clubs |
SCLS Listing of Clubs and Tracks |
This is a complete listing of all live steam tracks and clubs throughout the world. Listed are both public and private tracks as well as zoo trains and other commercial train rides and museums. Take a look, if you have more info or additional tracks to add, please let us know so that we can keep the list up to date. |
Los Angeles Live Steamers
The Los Angeles Live Steamers Railroad Museum (LALSRM) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation that was founded in 1956. It was started by train enthusiasts for the purpose of educating people in railroad history and lore and also to further the avocation of live steam, gas-mechanical and electronic railroad technology.
We operate our 7½" gauge model trains for the general public to ride from 11 am - 3 pm every Sunday (weather permitting). except for the Sunday before Memorial Day and the first Sunday in October. The gate is open from 10:45 am to 3 pm. Train rides begin at 11 am. We also have extensive layouts for 4¾" and 3½" gauge model trains.
Chula Vista Live Steamers
We are a group of ordinary people interested in building, operating and maintaining trains. But "Live Steam" is more than just trains. Just to name a few, "Live Steam" also includes steam powered tractors; stationary mill engines; steam driven pumps, hammers, calliopes, pile drivers, cranes, boats, cars and whatever the imagination can invent. Presently, the largest interest of CVLS live steam activity is heavily oriented toward trains.
Orange County Model Engineers
The Mackeral Flats & Goat Hill Junction Railroad, Orange County Model Engineers Inc. is a non-profit club that operates a 7 1/2" gauge railroad over a 5 mile layout of track at Fairview Park in Costa Mesa, California. |
Redwood Empire Live Steamers
The Redwood Empire Live Steamers is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving Sonoma Counties Railroad history thru the re-creation, in miniature, of railroad equipment and historic landmarks. Visit us and ride the trains at Youth Community in Santa Rosa, California. |
Riverside Live Steamers
During the past forty-one years, RLS has greatly expanded the original railroad to more than 10,000 feet of track, built three buildings and the station. With the cooperation of the city, six additional cars were built in 1972.
Approximately 18,000-20,000 passengers ride the trains each year. The city owned equipment is greatly supplemented by privately owned locomotives and cars. Many times, three to four trains will be in operation.
Sacramento Valley Live Steamers
The Sacramento Valley Live Steamers Railroad Museum is located within the Hagan Community Park in Rancho Cordova, California. The organization was started around 1965 and completed with a Golden Spike ceremony in 1973. The main line is now over 6,300 ft. with many sidings and several yards. The ride is scenic as the track passes through tree'd areas, as well as a fine view of the American River which passes within 100 ft. of the railroad. The railroad also features 5 wooden trestles, a 40ft truss bridge as well as a girder deck bridge. The track is 7 1/2" and 4 3/4" gauge, IBLS wheel standards.
Train Mountain
Train Mountain Railroad Museum is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of our railroad heritage. It is located in Southern Oregon on over 2000 acres of Ponderosa Pine forest in Klamath County, the home of Crater Lake National Park. Train Mountain currently has 69,900 feet (13¼ miles) of 7½″ gauge mainline track and 133,250 feet (25¼ miles) of total trackage, which includes yards, sidings, and connector tracks. In the 2004 Guinness World Records™ Train Mountain is recognized as the "Longest Miniature Hobby Railroad".
Bitter Creek Western Railroad
The Bitter Creek Western Railroad (BCWRR) is a privately owned 7.5-inch gauge railroad operated for the benefit of children of all ages who enjoy playing trains. |
Friends of Train Mountain
Friends of Train Mountain (FTM) is dedicated to building long runs of 7.5' gauge model railroad track. FTM leased 1136 acres from Train Mountain to build new track on. The new long track runs are open to both FTM and TM members. You must be a TM member to run at TM. We invite you to get in on the fun of building this railroad. |
Personal Railroad Pages |
The Redlake Junction Railroad
1.5 Inch scale trains you can ride on!!! Pulled by a real steam lcomotive on Firday, Saturday and Sunday. A 15 Minute train frid 1.5 miles long traversing 20 acres, 1 block Eas of the highway to the Grand Canyon in Williams AZ. |
The Steaming Priest
My name is Father Jay Finelli. I am a Priest from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence, located in the state of Rhode Island in the USA. I started this website in November of 1995. It began as Fr. Finelli’s Railroad Page. The site simply contained one page about my personal story and how I came to be interested in trains. Through the years this website, SteamingPriest.com, has grown to be a major resource in the Live Steam community. |
The White Creek Railroad
Located in western Michigan, the White Creek Line is a 1:8 scale railroad with approximately 5 miles of main line situated on 120 acres of private property. |
Railroad Galleries We Like |
RailPictures.net |
We offer the only quality-controlled rail photo database online. Each photo submission is carefully reviewed by a photo screener to ensure that the image meets the quality requirements for which RailPictures.Net has become known. Our standards are strict; only about 30% of the images contributed to us are accepted for publication in the database. This helps to ensure a quality viewing experience for each of our daily visitors. |
Railroad Picture Archives |
This site contains a large collection of railroad pictures. You will find photographs of many different railroads! Browse the collection by locomotives present in the photograph, by the location the photograph was taken, or by locomotive model. Visit the contributor sites to see the collection of an individual contributor.
Railroad Events |
San Diego Steam Special-II on Santa Fe 3751 |
The Central Coast Railway Club and the Pacific Locomotive Association announce the San Diego Steam Special-II, powered by former Santa Fe 4-8-4 3751. Our train will depart LAUS mid-morning, Saturday, May 1 and arrive in San Diego mid-afternoon. On Sunday, May 2, the train will return to Los Angeles, leaving San Diego mid-morning, arriving at LAUS mid-afternoon.Tickets packages are available for the steam train in one direction and Surfliner in the other, or steam train round trip (hotel not included)."
Standard & Narrow Gauge Railroads |
Multipower International, Inc. |
Multipower International, Inc. has been the leading supplier of Chinese-made steam locomotive parts and accessories worldwide since 1995. We cover the entire steam locomotive line for both standard and narrow gauge applications. |
Pacific Coast Railroad Company
The Pacific Coast Railroad is a privately-owned narrow gauge (36″) steam railroad at the historic Santa Margarita Ranch, ten miles north of San Luis Obispo, California. Founded in 2000 by entrepreneur Rob Rossi, the railroad is part of a substantial heritage revitalization project at the Mission era Rancho, and was built to portray the importance of the Iron Horse in the development of California Central Coast. A Golden Spike ceremony was held over the Summer of 2004, and the two-mile line has operated for various charters, charity functions, weddings and other events ever since. |
Santa Fe 3751 SBRHS
The SBRHS was formed in 1981 to restore Santa Fe locomotive 3751, and is composed of hundreds of individuals interested in the heritage and preservation of “The Steam Era”. Accountants, artists, small business owners, dentists, designers, engineers, railroaders, retired railroaders, pharmacists, painters, truck drivers, mechanics, welders, politicians, and lawyers all work side by side with the same goals in mind. |
Grand Scale Railroads |
Joshua Tree & Southern Grand Scale Division |
Railroad Museums |
Lomita Railroad Museum
The Lomita Railroad Museum was the first of its kind west of Denver, Colorado. It was made possible through the generosity of Mrs. Irene Lewis who donated the Museum to the City of Lomita in honor of her late husband, Martin Lewis, in 1967. It was a rather natural thing for Mrs. Lewis to do since she had been a dedicated railroader and spent many years building Little Engines, a business devoted entirely to developing and manufacturing miniature steam operated locomotives which were sold all over the world. The museum proudly displays some of these locomotives.
Carolwood Pacific
Carolwood Pacific Historical Society's mission is to preserve Walt Disney's railroad legacy. We accomplish through our members' love of railroading which is shared with everyone; to teach our children to understand the role that railroads served in building this great nation, and to encourage the continual appreciation of railroading. |
Joshua Tree & Southern Railroad Museum
We feature fully operational 15" gauge, 7 1/2" gauge, and G-scale trackage amid the rocks, sagebrush, trees, and cactus. Although the 7 1/2" gauge is designed and built with a narrow gauge prototype in mind -- all railroaders with equipment operable on 7 1/2" gauge track are welcome and indeed encouraged.
Orange Empire Railway Museum
Explore the West's largest collection of railway locomotives, passenger and freight cars, streetcars, interurban electric cars, buildings and other artifacts dating from the 1870's.
Ride streetcars, interurban cars and trains on the museum railway. Trolleys and trains operate every weekend and on most major holidays, 11AM to 5PM.
Visit the Pinacate Station Museum Store and the Museum grounds daily.
Pacific Southwest Railway Museum
The Pacific Southwest Railway Museum Association is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of railroads as they existed in the Pacific Southwest.
The Museum runs excursions on many weekends on portions of the San Diego & Arizona Railway utilizing actual vintage equipment. Please check the Excursions and Special Events page for further details and schedules. Note that the Museum is not open to the public on weekdays. Be sure to check the Master Calendar for the full operating schedule. |
The Tehachapi Depot
Downtown Tehachapi has been made whole again with the welcome return of the Tehachapi Depot, rising from the ashes of the old 1904 depot that burned on June 13, 2008.
The restored depot, whose exterior is virtually identical to the original, joins the elegant Art Deco-style BeeKay Theater, a nearby landmark that was also destroyed by fire and beautifully resurrected. |
Small Scale Railroads |
Los Angeles Model Railroad Society
The Los Angeles Model Railroad Society (LAMRS) is a non-profit California corporation made up of a diverse group of model railroad enthusiasts of many ages, professions and backgrounds. The LAMRS has been promoting the hobby of model railroading for more than twenty five years and is the proud operator of the HO Scale Great Lakes & Western (GL&W) Railroad. |
Yahoo Groups |
RMI Steam Group
This is a group for the discussion of Roll Models Steam Locomotives. Anything pertaining to the building, running or maintaining of RMI 3.75" scale steamers: 2-4-0, 2-4-2, 2-4-4t, 2-6-0, 2-6-2 or your own creation using RMI parts. A place to work out problems so we can enjoy these locomotives to their fullest. |
Resources On the Web
Railroad Locomotives |
SteamLocomotive dot com |
Are you trying to locate an existing steam locomotive? The Surviving Steam Locomotive Database would be a good place to begin your search. The Surviving Steam Locomotive Database contains links to many museums and informational sites contained further information. |
Railroad Cars |
Rio Grande Associates |
Welcome to Rio Grande Associates Web Site. We are builders of quality 1/8 size 1.5" scale and 1/5 size 2.5" scale Outdoor Railroad Equipment. We offer 2 classes of equipment, our Standard Series and our Grande Series. Both are built to high quality standards but the Grande Series equipment contains all the extra details that are associated with Fine Scale Narrow Gauge Railroad Models. Once you take a look at our equipment and compare the quality and price of the others we know you will want to own our models to enhance your quality outdoor railroading experience. |
The Passenger Car Co.
1.6 scale Streamlined Railroad Passenger Cars
Pullman Standard Car The Car Kit contains smooth or fluted side streamliners, aluminum body with extruded fluting and skirts, (clear anodized), fiberglass roof with two center sections removable for carrying passengers, trucks, couplers, brake rigging with air cylinders, cast urethane ends and details, acrylic windows, working diaphragms. Kit includes all necessary hardware, adhesives and instructions. |
Equipment Reviews |
International Steam Links |
The International Steam Pages |
The International Steam Pages were established in late 1996 to publicise steam action in those parts of the World which are not covered elsewhere on the World Wide Web. If you want news about preserved railways in Western Europe, North America or Japan, then this is NOT the place to look, please use your favourite search engine. But if, like me, you seek out steam power in far away places, then you will feel at home here. |
Live Steam Plans and Drawings |
Rutland RR's USRA Mikado Steam Locomotive in 3D |
The USRA Mikado steam locomotive was the quintessential steam locomotive - big, business like and to the right eye, beautiful. By modeling the Mikado steam locomotive in 3d using Luxology's Modo software I hope to preserve its legacy.
The purpose of this site is two fold. First it is to collect and disseminate information about USRA Mikado Steam Locomotives in general and specifically the 6 USRA Mikado's owned by the Rutland Railroad. There are no surviving steam engines from the Rutland Railroad (Mikados or otherwise) and information about these engines is getting more and more difficult to pin down as time moves on. So, the second purpose of this site is to assist and document the building of "as accurate as possible" 3d model of one of the Rutland's 6 mikados. Which of 6 will be determined as more specific information about each of the 6 engines in uncovered. For now, the construction of a generic USRA Light Mikado roughly as it was delivered from the builder is underway. |
Locomotive Construction |
Goodshall's Custom Machining
Godshall's is a full-service machine shop that specializes in the construction and restoration of 4 3/4", 7 1/4"and 7 1/2" gauge model steam locomotives. The company is owned, managed and operated by Master Model Builder Wayne Godshall, and staffed with experienced model builders and professional machinists. The company has over 30 years model steam locomotive construction, restoration and repair experience, and recently completed its 154th live steam project. |
Online Railroad Magazines |
Discover Live Steam
The On-Line Magazine of Rideable Model Railroading and the live steam train hobby. Learn about live steam model railroading, search for live steam clubs, purchase live steam books, live steam DVDs and VHS, links to other live steam train sites. |
Small Scale Live Steam
This site started life as a set of frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ) about small-scale live steam. It was originally written to go in the General section of the rec.models.railroads FAQ, which had a good section on larger live steam -- the kind you can ride on -- but nothing on 1 gauge or 0 gauge steamers. |
Railroad Directories |
A model railroad resource directory containing links to railroad sites of interes, railroad photo gallery and links to model railroad suppliers and manufacturers. |
Rail Serve
Guide to 15,000 rail-related websites including train travel, model railroading, railfan resources, train simulators, and railroad industry sites. |
RAILlinks.com: The definitive directory of railroad websites!. There are over 10,000 railroad links into our rail links directory. This website provides the world with the best resource for finding rail-related content on the web. The railroad links are divided into four major sections : Railfan, Model Railroad, Travel, and Rail Industry. These sections are further divided into various categories & sub-categories to help you easily find railroad links related to your interest. |
Railroad Games & Entertainment |
Shunting Puzzles |
Designing and operating shunting (switching) puzzle layouts inspired by John Allen's Timesaver and Alan Wright's Inglenook Sidings |
Railroad Reference Sites |
Chris Walas Master Modeler |
Chris Walas.... is a master modeler who models with a bit of whimsy....Chris is a true artist, just browse these pages and enjoy his whimsical world. With all his creations, it's an adventure you won't soon forget....
Dan's Depot
Welcome to Dan's Depot! This site covers railroading in the San Francisco Bay Area and San Luis Obispo, CA, with an emphasis on the ex-Southern Pacific Coast Line. There is a photo gallery, railfanning information page, a large gallery of train drawings, and more! |
Mike's Railway History |
This site will take you back in time, to an age where only the rich could own a car or fly. The train was the only way many people could travel. So let me take you back in time to the mid 1930's, a time long ago where trains and steam power were still king ..... |
Real Breaks |
Here at Real Brakes we have made every effort to duplicate the operation of Prototype railroad brakes. Our brake systems are true safety brakes that apply if the train line is broken. Application of the brakes is done by the reduction of air pressure to the "Train Line". Brake release is done by restoring pressure to the "Train Line". |
Richard Leonard's Rail Archive |
Welcome to Richard Leonard’s Rail Archive, a collection of rail-related web sites I have been developing since 1998 beginning with the Steam Locomotive Archive. Here you will find not only images of steam and diesel locomotives and other items of historic North American railroad interest, but also plenty of detail and commentary about the items presented. Click on the image or the page title to visit the sites that interest you. |
Steam Engine Valve Gear On The Computer
In 1986 I wrote the first of the MS-Dos versions of the software to simulate Baker valve gear. Since then I have made continuous additions and improvements to add other types of valve gear and improve functionality and ease of use. In early 1999 I started converting one of the valve gears to the Windows format. I have made the software available by placing it in the public domain as freeware. There are no restrictions on the use of the software. I, the author accept no responsibility for any claim arising from the use of the software. |
The Catskill Archive - Railroad Extra
An interesting compilation of books, Pamphlets, Addenda and Trade Catalogs, Railroad Stories,General Railroading and Civil Engineering. Well worth a look see. |
The Engine Shop
Welcome to the collection of diesel engine drawings manufactured by ALCO, BLW, Budd, EMD, GE, FM, KM, LH, MKO/MP, MLW, Ingalls, Railpower, UA and a European joint venture. You will find over 5,000 drawings and over 100 different models of diesel engines in different paint schemes, covering over 850 railroad companies from all over the world. |
WHYTE Classification for Steam Locomotives |
The Whyte notation for classifying steam locomotives by wheel arrangement. |
Railroad Track Construction |
Catskill Archives - Frogs and Switches |
The most complete discussion of frogs and switches on the net. Plenty of illustrations and all the formulas you need to design and build your switches. |
Railroading Resources |
Railroad Radio .net
A very informative site with live radio links to listen to. Traffic routing maps and all sorts of great information about the countries railroads. Well worth a look see. |
Santa Fe Railway Historical & Modeling Society
The Santa Fe Railway Historical & Modeling Society is an independent non-profit corporation devoted to preserving, studying and sharing information about all aspects of the former Santa Fe Railway, from its rich history and fascinating operations to its distinctive equipment and facilities. |
The Railroad Paint Shop
This page is designed to be a site where drawings of railroad locomotives, rolling stock, and lineside structures will be available for download for those of you who would like to design custom paint schemes for your own model railroads, or see "what might have been" if your favorite fallen flag had made it into the modern era. |
Sponsored Railroad Forums |
SCLS Railroad Forum
The Southern California Live Steamers Forum a complete discussion forum open to everyone interested in live steam miniature rairoading. Discuss locomotive construction, Track work, For Sale Items and many other topics in the live steam hobby. |
Chaski Home Machinist Live Steam Forum |
A group of forums discussing the live steam hobby as well as various aspects of machining and fabrication. The premier live steam forum on the net. |
Discover Live Steam Forums
Kozo Hiraoka Support Group, stationary steam engines, small scale live steam, steam and diesel for newbies. All sorts of good live steam conversations in this forum. |
Narrow Gauge Talk Forum |
Welcome to the Narrow Gauge Talk Forum! Here you will find a wide range of discussions including discussions outside Narrow Gauge. We are a pretty laid back group of fellow Narrow Gauge Lovers, so come join us we will be glad to have you! |
Railway Preservation News
The Railway Preservation News (*RyPN) website is dedicated to the preservation of railroad history, including documents, artifacts and infrastructure. |
Antique engine forums related to collecting, restoring and showing hit and miss engines, vintage Diesel, steam engines, antique tractors, old generators, pumps, industrial antiques and collectibles. There are thousands of old engine photos and hundreds of discussions about all types of engines and old iron topics. This is a world wide community with members of all ages from Australia, Europe, North America and other points across the globe.
TrainBoard.com & RailImages.com
TrainBoard.com: Discussion forums and message boards for everything railroading. Featuring forums for specific railroads, all scales of model railroading, and anything related to trains and railroads. |
Hello fellow train enthusiasts! The story of Trainorders.com began in the Spring of 1997 when while railfanning with a good friend in Tehachapi I had the idea bringing the Tehachapi railroad experience online. That obsession led to the development of the Internet's first web train activated webcam which I called the "RailCam."
Non Railroad Links of Interest |
Ragtime Automated Music
Digital Pianos and Digital Guitars! Karaoke display on all MIDI units! Truly unique MIDI products. Not just player pianos. Allow plenty of time to down load the .wav files and view all the pages! Plays in your home, with MIDI files from the internet! Wireless MIDI available on all units. Our 52 piece acoustic MIDI orchestras with congas, agogos, timbales, claves, guiros, bongos, Vibra slap, drums, crash cymbals, etc. Player piano and nickelodeons, carousel organs, bandorgans, calliopes, preassembled kits or ready to play. Player piano and nickelodeon conversion kits for any piano. Player piano rolls for orchestrions. We buy, sell and restore music boxes, monkey organs, player piano, carousel organ antique instruments such as seeburg, coinola, Regina, Duo-Art Steinway player grands. Miniature MIDI valves, signal processors, replacement parts for Ragtime player pianos. Digital Jamaican Steel Drums! MIDI conversion of roto toms, drums, cymbal, tambourines, triangles,Indian wood block, castanets, flute pipes, violin pipes, etc. General MIDI files. |
South Bay Camera Club
The South Bay Camera Club was organized 60 years ago by novice printmakers for the purpose of sharing the mutual benefits of their new hobby. The club is now a member of the Southern California Council of Camera Clubs (S4C) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA). The purpose is still the same, sharing the fascinating hobby of modern photography.
Photographic knowledge is shared through competitions, workshops and friendships. Digital camera images make up most of the activities, but there is still interest in film based images.
Equipment Manufacturers & Dealers
Castings and Part Suppliers |
"Bryte Rails" is now manufacturing caboose markers, locomotive markers and switch lamps previously produced, for many years, by Maumee Model Car and Foundry in Maumee, Ohio. The caboose and locomotive markers are representative of the kerosene lamps produced by Adam Westlake (Adlake) and the Dressel companies in the later half of the 1800's and the first few decades of the 1900's. |
A&K Enterprises
A & K Enterprises is your first and last stop for Live Steam and Grand Scale Engines, Fittings and Appurtences. A & K Enterprises was formed in early 2005 after its founders discovered that their products were becoming ever-increasingly popular. Starting from their home office and work shop in the San Fernando Valley, they supplied their products to local live steam clubs, Trade schools, Small Commercial Live Steam Railroads and the Home Live Steam Hobbyist and demand, soon outstripped supply. In a very short time Shops and Offices were moved to the Sleepy Town of Newhall, CA. |
Friends "Yankee Shop" Models |
The online home of Lester Friend's "Yankee Shop Machinists" of Danvers, MA; Friends Steam Models of Topsfield, MA; Laverne D. Langworthy of Westerly, RI; and H.J. Coventry of Baltimore, MD. Supplier of "rough castings" for coal-fired live steam locomotives in 1/2", 3/4", 1", and 1-1/2" inch scales. Castings for the Kozo Hiraoka locomotives also supplied. |
Loco Parts
LocoParts manufactures custom tenders/kits, gas burners, silicon bronze lost wax castings and live steam locomotive valves and accessories in 1-1/2”, 2-1/2” and 3-3/4” scale. All items are manufactured using the finest bar stock materials, casings from red brass (hand pump) and stainless steel fasteners. All items are provided as RFI (ready for installation) or as kits if noted. |
Model Rail Castings
A sixteen year member of Los Angeles Live Steamers, Brad Bluth is offering custom casting work to scale model builders.
Patterns fabricated from your drawings, and specific to your project, can be cast in a variety of materials using traditional methods. Lost wax castings are available in common bronze, brass and aluminum. Sand castings are available in bronze, brass, aluminum and iron. Plastic castings are available for architectural details not exposed to high heat, including clear and colored lenses for lighting.
NGT Models
NGT Models offers a wide range of Model Railway products, including - but not limited to - locomotives, rolling stock, track and ancillaries for Garden Railways.
We are Dealers for Roundhouse, Tenmille, Steam Fittings, GME Bridges, and others, as well as producing Garden Railway track components and Midwest Models Live Steam Products. We currently offer live steam generators in 1.5" and 2.5" scale. |
Rail Rider Supply
Our products consist of speeders, wheels, trains, components, parts and accessories.
RailRiderSupply is operated by D.F. O'Brien & Associates, a twenty five year old business located in Santa Fe Springs, California. We have a complete machine shop with state of the art CNC machinery. We work in the aerospace, defense and commercial industries. We manufacture dies, molds, and produce prototype and production components from billet or castings.
Railroad Supply Company
Railroad Supply Corporation specializes in producing large scale steam and diesel locomotives, track and accessories. Steam locomotives we produce are the popular Central Pacific #173 - a 4-4-0 American configuration, a B&O C16a 0-4-0 Switcher modeled after #99, and the C16 0-4-0 Saddle Tank (Dock side), a 2-6-0 Baldwin and a 2-8-0 Consolidation. Along with steam locomotives, Railroad supply offers a line of "Diesel" locomotives, including the SD-35, GP 40, F7 and the smaller GE-25 Ton Industrial Switcher, all with smooth and dependable hydrostatic drive systems.
Railroad Warehouse
Railroad Warehouse offers products and services related to the Live Steam hobby. We specialize in Live Steam Locomotives and Accessories for the Live Steam Hobby. |
Rizzoli Locomotive Works |
Builder of fine steam whistles. |
Tom Bee |
Couplers, Trucks, Freight Cars, and Parts
for the 1.5" Scale Railroader! |
Deisel Locomotive Companies |
Mountain Car Company
Mountain Car Company was formed in 1983 as a one man operation with the idea of manufacturing reasonably priced 1-1/2" Scale Train Cars that looked good and preformed well. The company has expanded with people and equipment while we have designed, developed, machined, and manufactured our way into becoming a large supplier of 1/8 scale train products
Rail Systems Company
Backyard /Live steam/Diesel railroading in 7-1/4" - 7-1/2" Gauge Serving the large scale Live Steam/Diesel railroading hobby since 1989
Electric Locomotives |
Great American Train Co.
At The Great American Train Company, we are passionate about trains. We are true railroad enthusiasts with a sincere interest in sharing this wonderful hobby with as many new families as possible. Many of us even have our own 1.5 " scale railroads installed at our own homes. |
Plum Cove Studios
Welcome, and congratulations on your interest in the live steam, backyard railroad hobby. We call it “live steam” but that may be a bit of a misnomer, as many individuals are currently building models of diesel locomotives, or gas, or electric ones. Some even build engines that look like they’re steam powered, but in fact run on internal combustion or battery power. Whatever the case, when most folks speak of the “live steam” hobby, they’re usually describing model trains capable of hauling human passengers. |
Locomotive Builders |
Alco West Locomotives |
We are specialized in custom-building any model steam or diesel locomotive in 1.5" scale, 2.5" scale, or even larger at your specification. |
Moe's Locomotive Works
Maurice Chaput, president of Moe's Locomotive Works has been building steam locomotives for over 20 years. You will find his products are unique as he specializes in the building of custom large scale steam locomotives, rolling stock (1.5" to 3" to the foot) and steam driven rotary snowplows. Maurice is happy to provide U.S. and Canadian Markets with new, affordable and unique live steam products. The steam locomotives and parts are all manufactured in his shop located in Hamilton Ontario. |
Misc. Goodies |
Branchline Products
Branchline Products started with the desire to build scale detail models of Colorado Narrow Gauge equipment as a hobby. First came trucks and couplers and a few main car parts, offering them to anyone interested. Then over the years pieces were added as the need dictated, (mainly because I got tired of machining detail parts out of bar stock). |
Diane Carney Nameplates
Manufacturers of photo-etched nameplates for Model Engineers and Model Makers.
Diane Carney Nameplates - manufacturing replica nameplates for Model Engineers. Railway locomotives, traction engines, other vehicles. Reproduction plates for vehicle restorers. Original plates copied or lost plates replaced. Brass Plaques: Office door nameplates to any design. Private residence nameplates.
Foster Manufacturing
Foster Manufacturing Company produces quick detachable couplers, hose fittings, blow guns and related accessories for use with various gasses and liquids. The most common applications for our products are for compressed air, hydraulic oil, and water. Other media are often used with our products when they are determined to be compatible with our specific materials of construction |
Lubrication Specialties Corporation
Lubrication Specialties Corporation manufactures a growing number of lubricating oil products designed for 100% loss lubrication of engines and machines of all types - locomotives, stationary engines, model engines, Stanley and other steam automobiles, antique gas automobiles, marine engines, traction engines, mill machinery/drives, farm implements, theme park rides and manufacturing machinery/drives. |
Porta Treatment |
By using Porta Treatment it is possible to use any water source, including saline sources, and extend boiler component life to hitherto impossible lengths. For example boiler tube life has the potential to be well over 20 years.
The Nutty Company |
The Nutty Company, Inc. is a leading construction, commercial, and industrial supplier of fasteners, hardware and accessories including nuts, bolts, screws, washers, rivets, threaded rod, masonry anchors, tools, and chemicals. Our products are manufactured from high-quality materials including steel, stainless steel, brass, nylon, alloy and galvanized. We stock both standard and metric sizes. |
Timbersil Glass Lumber
TimberSIL®’s revolutionary process combines two ancient materials, wood and glass, to transform real wood with all its benefits, into extraordinary wood without the drawbacks. TimberSIL® offers powerful reasons to switch back to wood today. |
Railroad Track and Supplies |
RMI Railworks Rail & Track
RMI offers a complete line of rail and track components for every application from the largest, most heavily used club track to the smallest home or portable layout. Combine the track system with the ability of many of our locomotives and cars to operate on small radius curves and you could write a whole new chapter on miniature railroading. |
Railroad Videos |
Green Frog Productions
Green Frog Productions has been producing videos and audio recordings for railfans and modelers since 1983. We are a full production facility in our own suite of offices in Douglasville, Georgia. There are full time employees and part timers. We do our own field production, editing, duplication, and shipping. A good number of our videos have been made from 16mm & 8mm film that was shot by railfans & proffessionals beginning in the 1920's and continuing through the '70's. Modern action is shot on professional equipment and edited with computers using the latest technology. |
Ride Live Steam
Here at RideLiveSteam Productions, producing high quality, content rich DVD's about Live Steam is what we do. We will visit clubs all over the country starting with California, and get a close up look at their facilities, equipment, and the clubs history. You'll hear interviews from club presidents and builders alike. You'll see club operations like, maintaining track, club meetings, and track layouts. Our DVD's are unlike any others out there. Our background in professional video includes shooting for The Travel Channel, Discovery, PBS, and many others. At RLS, we are all about Live Steam and promoting the hobby to others. Whether it's steam, diesel, or electric, your sure to find what your looking for in our DVD's. |
Railroad and Model Train Videos
Welcome to the premier online train video resource. Whether you are here to watch the latest railroad videos or to get inspiration from the model train videos, we have something for every railfan.
Raw Materials |
Peterson Steel Corporation |
Peterson Steel Corporation is a full line metal service center located in the northeast. With NO MINIMUM ORDER, PSC has been supplying quality metals to thousands of satisfied customers from coast to coast for over forty years. We have a knowledgeable team of sales professionals backed by several million pounds of inventory in both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. We purchase only prime material in large quantities from producing mills all over the world.
Steam Boilers |
Boschan Boiler |
Manufacturer of package boilers. Restoration of antique boilers and equipment. Repairs on all boilers and pressure vessels. STEAM LOCOMOTIVES OUR SPECIALTY! We are an ASME "S" stamp holder as well as a National board of boiler & pressure vessel inspectors "R" stamp shop. |
Ridge Locomotive Works
If you are building a locomotive to a common live steam design chances are we have built one or more and have drawings on hand, thus can provide you with a firm quote. We have drawings for most Allen Models, Little Engines, and Railroad Supply 1 ½ scale locomotives. |
Steam Locomotive Companies |
Little Engines
For the last 70+ years Little Engines has been making the dream of building and running model live steam locomotives a reality. Literally, thousands of Little Engines Locomotives have been built over the years.
Mason's Trains
We specialize in building the finest live steam locomotives in the world. Not just machines of cold, hard steel, our locomotives are living, breathing organisms, vividly alive. Whether it's North American, or English / European style engines, we will custom build to suit your needs. Our powerful and sleek locomotives are offered in several scales and track gauges, and are complemented by our functional and attractive rolling stock.
Maxitrak |
Maxitrak was founded in the summer of 1978, and in those early days we were armed with little more than enthusiasm and vision and only one single loco. Today we offer what surely must be the widest range of miniature road and rail locomotives available from one single company.
For the rail enthusiast we offer an ever increasing range of Steam locomotives in the UK and European gauges of 5" or 7 1/4" (or US 4 3/4" and 7 .1/2"); also Diesel engines that are battery electric or petrol/hydraulic powered, which are in the same gauges as Steam locomotives.
Roll Models
RMI's goal is to support and supply the traditional builder/operator, while offering a broad range of products to attract the next generation of enthusiasts. We have the broadest range of equipment ever available from a single supplier: nine electric and five gas-hydraulic locomotives, five trolls and trolleys, four models of 3 3/4" scale live steam locomotives (plans and castings or completed locomotives), plus riding cars, narrow gauge rolling stock, structures such as platform covers, signal bridges and towers, light towers, a complete modular track system, plus a full line of powered chassis, electronic controls, DC motors and gear boxes.
Used Equipment Buy & Sell |
Discover Live Steam
Locomotives, rolling stock, machinery, track and anything else related to the live steam hobby. The best place on the net to buy and sell. |
The Scale Model EXchange service (SMEX)
The Scale Model EXchange service (SMEX) is intended as Internet-only specialised classifieds for the buying and selling of hand-built scale models and related items, with an online store. In particular, it is initially focused on live steam and ride-on railway models, rolling stock, marine models and workshop equipment used to make such models, although other types of models are permissible. Other categories at a later date. SMEX is primarily aimed to serve model engineers in the Australia/NZ region, however users from other regions are welcome. SMEX is run by model engineers for model engineers.
Disclaimer: All association logos, images, names, and brand names remain the property of the copyright or trademark holder. The Southern California Live Steamers Club is providing this information as a public service and is not responsible for the accuracy of any information on this site.