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Come Ride the Trains! © 2014 - 2025 Richard Finlayson



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Picture Information:
Picture Title: Come Ride the Trains!
Photographer: Richard Finlayson
Submission Date: 11/4/2014 10:28:38 AM
Gallery Category: Run Day Photos
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Track Gauge: 7.5
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Critiqued 12/2/2015 4:36:21 AM by Mohd  Mohd, YJtyPTOqr
This is great stuff. The layout is ssanetional. I'm just getting back into HO after a 40 year absence. I have always been a fan of the L&N. I now live in Tennessee just north of Etowah where there was a L&N yard.. I am gathering info on this part of the L&N trackage. It seems to be slow going. I know I want to model the roundhouse in Loyisville but can't seem to find any good photos of it. The roundhouse in Etowah, which was not round but rectangular, was torn down years ago. I believe it was when CSX took over.I am always looking for info and have ordered some of Ron Flanery's books.Enough for now,Ken
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Critiqued 12/2/2015 6:27:08 AM by Dhanya  Dhanya, OI4BGLfSoZL
I went to TrainFestival 2009 with my dad and we had a great time! My dad and I also saw the SP Daylight #4449 and she is the one who pulled the American Freedom Train since? back in the 1970s! She is beuuaiftl!
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Critiqued 12/2/2015 11:17:41 AM by Jay  Jay, iEkkCvN8Kj
congrats! that's a hard ride. you should be ex-boyfriend lived up in PA and rode down the trail to my house once. so i know what it takes. but he sucks. and you don't! haha.
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