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Conrad Pace's Eagle Scout Project

By Phillip Cohen - SCLS

Conrad and Crew from BSA Troop 134 clean up SCLS

On Saturday, July 13, 2013 the Southern California Live Steamers was visited by 36 adults and scouts, all members of BSA Troop 134 of Palos Verdes, California. They arrived with shovels, hoe's and rakes in hand, ready to take part in Conrad Pace's Eagle Scout service project. Conrad's project was to give the SCLS grounds a well needed cleanup, tree trimming, painting of the water tower and new fencing with water seal, rebuild the patio near the caboose, paint tables, and to excavate the dirt near the tunnel and move it to the burm where the kitchen was previously located. Lots of work to do!

They arrived starting at 8:00 A.M. Saturday morning and after a quick round of donuts, Conrad made the work assignments and got everyone started.

Click on photos for larger view.
Tree Trimming
Fence Painting
Excavating the Tunnel
Painting the Water Tower
More Pictures to Follow
BSA Troop 134 Palos Verdes

At noon, pizza was served for lunch in the SCLS picnic area under the trees. Everyone enjoyed a break from the hot sun in the cool shade and discuss all of the work that had been done and the remaining work to complete. After lunch about 100 bags of leaves, tree cuttings and other garbage was hauled to the dumpster. Things are starting to look really nice. The final coats of paint were put on the fence, more dirt was moved to the burm extension and all of the tools and painting supplies were cleaned up and put away. A job very well done!

A big thank you to Conrad Pace and the scouts of Troop 134 for helping to make the Southern California Live Steamers looks it's best.

5174 Views as of 7/15/2013 11:37:22 PM

About the Author:

Phillip Cohen is a former aerospace engineer as well as an Eagle Scout and former Scoutmaster. Currently a part time professional photographer and full time computer programmer specializing in database driven web sites and business applications. Phil is currently the webmaster and vice president of the Southern California Live Steamers and former president of the South Bay Camera Club, also in Torrance.

Phil is currently acting as the BSA liaison, if you are looking for an Eagle Scout Project, give Phil a call.

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