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Southern California Live Steamers
President's Message


12/31/2009 1:17:19 PM


HAPPY NEW YEAR! We did it again, a new record. For the first time we gave over 40,000 rides in one year. The second run day helped a little... 2010 will be the first full year with two run days a year, does anyone want to try for 50,000...

We are experiencing a strange phenomena. Two days after Christmas (12/27), we were all anticipating the arrival of Mark’s first steam engine. What happened that day will go down in club history as the first un-official Winter steam meet in recent history. We had at least five (5) steam engines running. That is more than I can remember, since our days back at the Lomita track when we were just a "steam" club.

I would like to thank all of our loyal public riders for their continued support. The generous donations and kind words of thanks and encouragement are priceless to the members who give of their time and talents to keep all the trains running safely. Without you we could not provide such a high level of service to the community.

I invite all club members who wants to help out around the track to do so. If you are not sure what needs to be done, someone is at the track every Saturday around 10 or 11:00.A.M. Please volunteer for one or more of our working committees, by writing your name on the list posted on the bulletin board. There are always plenty of weeds.

We always welcome new members to our team. To find out how to become a member or just to learn more about our organization, please contact club members at the information tent, on run days, or come to one of our meetings which are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 10:30 A.M.

Tim Brothers,
SCLS President

(310) 429-5428

Frequently asked questions:

Q- How can I get train rides for my party or special event Wilson park?

A- Schedule your party or event on one of scheduled public run days. On the day of your party contact us at the information tent and arrange a time for your party to ride on a special train. Donations are appreciated.

(Please call (310) 618-5982 to schedule Park Pick-nick space with the Torrance

Community Services Parks coordinator. Accommodations are limited).


Q- Can I have a private party or special train rides on a day that is not a public run day?

A- At this time we are not able to host private parties to members of the general public. Please call to find out how to become a member of our organization or if we can help your organization with a special event



Previous Messages
2/12/2024 2:19:13 PM Looking forward to 2024
10/19/2023 2:16:52 PM Our to big yearly night runs
9/7/2022 8:33:27 PM All is going well at SCLS
8/26/2021 2:48:28 PM We’re back up and running
4/19/2021 4:52:00 PM Light at the end of the tunnel
1/20/2020 10:18:30 AM All aboard for 2020
7/20/2019 9:52:30 PM Welcome back .Com web site
10/25/2013 3:43:55 PM What Can You Say?
1/26/2013 8:56:06 PM Station Dedication
8/6/2012 3:44:11 PM "Dog days of Summer"
1/3/2012 3:52:21 PM "Keep on trucking"
7/19/2011 4:06:53 PM "Teamwork"
3/14/2011 9:47:47 PM Can you see IT?
11/30/2010 9:52:17 PM Someting New!
9/12/2010 10:18:10 AM "So much by so few"
7/3/2010 12:07:05 PM Our Mission v.s. Membership
4/9/2010 4:05:01 PM SPRING HAS SPRUNG
12/31/2009 1:17:19 PM HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010
10/23/2009 12:33:28 PM "A Real Railroad"
8/16/2009 1:18:46 PM "300,000 Riders!!!"
7/8/2009 4:10:57 PM What a 4th of July!
5/13/2009 8:12:52 AM Summer is here!
4/5/2009 11:47:39 AM "Golden Spike Day" May 10th 1869
1/27/2009 3:50:40 PM Get onboard the "Work Train"
1/19/2009 12:16:59 PM For 2009
9/27/2008 10:54:26 PM A Very Good Year.
6/29/2007 2:41:53 PM Another New and Action Packed Year